Tag Archives: nature

Towards an Otherwhere

admin 23/03/2013

Last night, at Duke’s Feminist Theory Workshop, Elizabeth Povinelli presented some of her recent work around geontologies. Both in the talk and in the q&a afterwards, there were often turns to her concept of “living otherwise”—that is, living in non-normative ways.  The phrase calls up for me early twentieth century writer Vita Sackville-West’s long poem The Land (1927) in which she describes the usefulness or even necessity for “reaching out towards an otherwhere.” Here’s the line with… Towards an Otherwhere

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“Learning from Nature”

admin 17/01/2013

I attended a recent MLA roundtable on Sustainability and Pedagogy that had me thinking (again) about the relationship between the environmental/ecocritical content some of us teach and the ways in which we teach that content. As eco-conscious teachers, it’s often difficult to help students find a place between the paralysis caused by feelings of helplessness about environmental degradation and the glorification of “Nature” as something pure and, therefore, worthy of preservation. My larger research project… “Learning from Nature”

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