I am currently the Digital Scholarship Librarian at Barnard College. Previously I worked as the Director of Digital Scholarship, Critical Making, and Digital Collections Management and, prior to that, as the Digital Scholarship Specialist at Bryn Mawr College. From 2014-2016 I was the CLIR/DLF Postdoctoral Fellow in the Digital Liberal Arts at Middlebury College.  My research playfully and seriously explores digital models for engaging with the ecosystems and biospheres of novels.


Photo of street art graffiti

Scalar Exhibition Template
photo of Michelle Obama at a military base

Military Life Memory Project
Green barcode

Botanical Barcodes
Web-like data visualization of relationships among humans, plants, and fauna in novels

Textual Co-Habitations
Map of Middlebury Vermont

50 Years of Green
Still image from data visualization; green circle on black background

Animate Flora

When Melodies Gather
(Spring 2018)
Radial diagram of women speakers in plays

Women Writers Project
logo for Our Marathon featuring Boston skyline

Our Marathon